Obesity is extremely dangerous:
Intellectually you know that many preventable diseases are caused by obesity. These include cancer, joint disease, auto-immune diseases, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, amputations, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s, depression and early death. Obesity cuts 10 years off our life span and causes untold suffering. Obesity kills 500,000 Americans every year.
You also know the cause of obesity (addiction to sugar and processed foods, eating too much, and lack of proper exercise).
You have struggled for years to take off those extra pounds and keep them off. Yet, regardless of how hard you tried and how many different diet programs you have used, you have not reached your goal. By now you are feeling defeated and frustrated.
What you may not know is that obesity is not your fault!
Well, you say, it was my choice to eat the processed food and drink the sugar drinks. But I say, 90% of people in the USA can’t even imagine (have no idea) how the food industry has secretly addicted us over the past 40 years by spiking all our processed food with toxic chemicals and preservatives. Sure, the sugar and chemicals do not kill you right away, but they sure do over time. My mission at Thin4Fun is to educate you so you know what, why and how you are being addicted and deceived. After taking my program, if you continue eating and drinking the same junk, it may be your fault.
We live in a world where the medical profession gives patients a pill for every disease or condition, rather than addressing the root cause of their disease. Biased research, false advertisements (media) and government agencies (NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO) are aligned with Big Food and Big Pharma to keep people obese (so they will make more money). Americans are getting more obese and sicker with each passing generation.
American medicine may be the best in the world at treating acute diseases, like appendicitis, pneumonia and trauma. But we have totally failed at treating chronic diseases, like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and depression.
Should physicians offer medicine for weight control, when patients could and should treat Obesity on their own naturally, if they just had enough willpower?
If a patient is obese, they will most likely die prematurely from diabetes, kidney disease, stroke, a heart attack or Alzheimer’s, if they are not treated. If we physicians can somehow convince them to get their BMI back down to 25 and their waste size under 34 inches, (along with exercise and decreasing stress in their life), then most likely their obesity will get better. That is what we want — Cure them by natural means. What are the odds of that happening?
Most people cannot, or will not, make the life-style changes necessary to cure themselves. Since they have failed, should we doctors just abandon our patients and allow them to die prematurely, because they will not, or cannot, lose weight on their own?
We in the medical profession have 3 choices:
- Force our patients to change their lifestyle by telling them, “My way, or the highway. — Change, or go pound sand”;
- Forget modifying our patients’ lifestyle, and just treat their symptoms with medication;
- Use a combination of medication and lifestyle changes.
Too many physicians take the easy route (#2) and just use medication. This practice is even encouraged because the pharmaceutical industry has indoctrinated 80% of the doctors (and 90% of the population) to believe that the answer to every medical problem is a miracle drug. Better physicians first address the acute problem of obesity by whatever means necessary, and then get at the root cause of obesity for a permanent cure by empowering their patients to leave their comfort zone to change their habits, temptations and addictions for a long healthy life.
About Ozempic (Semaglutide):
By using Ozempic, most people lose over 40 pounds and their blood sugar levels return to normal, prolonging their lives. I am all for prolonging lives. I wish we could do it naturally, but that is a pipe dream for many patients.
Semaglutide has been used extensively for 15 years and has emerged as the best way to treat type II diabetes medically. It is remarkable how it affects and corrects almost everything wrong with type II diabetes by addressing the root of the problem (Metabolism of sugar – See chart below). An unexpected, but beneficial, side effect of using Semaglutide is the dramatic weight loss that is achieved with its use.
Ozempic has only been approved by the FDA for weight loss, if it is combined with a diet and exercise program like Thin4Fun. And it is not intended to be used forever, but rather to kick-start a new lifestyle change.
My Experience with Semaglutide at Acacia Medical Missions over the past year:
Semaglutide is generally well tolerated by most of my patients. A few (about 10%) have complained about constipation or nausea. We can treat those symptoms. They usually go away after a couple of weeks. Those who stick with the program have lost over 20 pounds each. More importantly, their A1C’s have dropped to normal in most cases. Cholesterol levels and BP have returned to normal. Some of the 60 patients have dropped out of the program, but not because of the side effects of Semaglutide. They were just not motivated to change the way they eat, drink and exercise. They were stuck in their comfort zones.
Should I try Semaglutide? You have to decide:
We would be delighted to speak with you about your eligibility of taking Semaglutide and if it is right for you. Sign up for the GOLD plan and a healthcare professional will contact you. You have nothing to lose, but excess weight.