Medication Information


Please read the information linked below. It contains important warnings from the FDA in relation to medications you may be prescribed. If you have any questions, please speak to your provider or other licensed healthcare professional.

Please note: Most medications prescribed via Thin4Fun are compounded medications. While compounded medications are made exclusively in licensed pharmacies, their efficacy and safety profile cannot be directly compared to commercial drugs. Talk to your provider about the specific risks and benefits that may come with the use of a compounded medication. The following list of safety data is provided solely for convenience and should not be relied upon in relation to the safety and efficacy profile of any compounded medications.

Semaglutide (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient in Wegovy®)

Please See:

Tirzepatide (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient in Mounjaro®)

Please see:

Semaglutide is currently approved for compounding due to Ozempic and Wegovy both being on the FDA Drug Shortage list. These compounds per se are not FDA approved. The FDA does not verify the safety or effectiveness of compounded drugs. Thin4Fun only obtains its medicines from pharmacies that are LegitScrip approved, and all their manufacturing is done under strict FDA and US Pharmacopeia regulations.  

Compliance: 503A, 503B and the USP

The FDA and USP both have strict guidelines as to how 503A and 503B pharmacies may operate. Compliance is key since millions of doctors and patients use these pharmacies every year. Here are just a few of the different regulations and rules pharmacies must comply with under the FDA and the US Pharmacopeia, or USP.

503A Compliance

503A pharmacies have a variety of regulations they must adhere to and be in compliance with. These standards and regulations are important in protecting the health of patients who use pharmacies every day.

To be in compliance, 503A pharmacies must:

  • Comply with USP <795> and <797> along with state board of pharmacy regulations
  • Perform environmental monitoring every six months
  • Assign beyond use dating (BUD) when necessary based on internal or external scientific literature showing stability

503B Compliance

503B compounding pharmacies that provide patient-specific medications are held to much higher regulatory standards than 503A pharmacies. These facilities are required to maintain full compliance with CGMP.

To ensure standards, 503B pharmacies must:

  • Comply with USP <795> and <797> along with state board of pharmacy regulations and 21 CFR Part 210 and 211 (CGMP)
  • Develop and perform an environmental monitoring program at a minimum, per production shift in the ISO 5 primary compounding areas and weekly in the secondary compounding areas (ISO 7 and ISO 8)
  • Maintain their own quality department as an independent entity of operations and sales with complete autonomy for investigations and releasing products
  • Register with each state board of pharmacy, DEA (if applicable) and FDA and report their product list to FDA biannually


$ 19 Monthly
  • Weekly tracking of our 12 Steps
  • Weekly tracking of weight and measurements
  • Access to Members-Only resources and webinars
  • Access to a community of Buddies
  • A map of local health hot spots (San Antonio only)
  • Access to our calendar of health and lifestyle events
  • Direct access to our support team via chat
  • Teleconference with Thin4Fun healthcare provider
  • Monthly follow-up by healthcare provider
  • Monthly weight-loss medication


$ 99 Monthly
  • Weekly tracking of our 12 Steps
  • Weekly tracking of weight and measurements
  • Access to Members-Only resources and webinars
  • Access to a community of Buddies
  • A map of local health hot spots (San Antonio only)
  • Access to our calendar of health and lifestyle events
  • Direct access to our support team via chat
  • Monthly weight-loss medication
  • Teleconference with Thin4Fun healthcare provider
  • Monthly follow-up by healthcare provider

Weight-Loss Medication Plan

$ 197* Monthly
  • Weekly tracking of our 12 Steps
  • Weekly tracking of weight and measurements
  • Access to Members-Only resources and webinars
  • Access to a community of Buddies
  • A map of local health hot spots (San Antonio only)
  • Access to our calendar of health and lifestyle events
  • Direct access to our support team via chat
  • Teleconference with Thin4Fun healthcare provider
  • Monthly follow-up by healthcare provider
  • Monthly weight-loss medication (cost included)

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