
Frequently Asked Questions


Have Questions? We Have Answers!

It’s easy! Click HERE to select your plan and start today!

Thin4Fun is meant to be ongoing, but if for some reason you have to cancel your membership, we will have taught you how to maintain your weight based off our 12 steps.

It is ongoing. With the support from our encouraging network, you will want to keep going.

You may have moments of feeling hungry as your body adjusts to your new program. Many times our hunger can just be thirst. But, if you are still hungry, EAT 🙂

We have 2 plans: Premium & Gold. The Gold plan has the option to take medication if you qualify. Learn more HERE.

Premium Plan

$ 19 Monthly
  • Weekly tracking of our 12 Steps
  • Weekly tracking of weight and measurements
  • Access to Members-Only resources and webinars
  • Access to a community of Buddies
  • A map of local health hot spots (San Antonio only)
  • Access to our calendar of health and lifestyle events
  • Direct access to our support team via chat
  • Teleconference with Thin4Fun healthcare provider
  • Monthly prescriptions for FDA approved medication (cost not included)
  • Monthly follow-up by healthcare provider

Gold Plan

$ 99 Monthly
  • Weekly tracking of our 12 Steps
  • Weekly tracking of weight and measurements
  • Access to Members-Only resources and webinars
  • Access to a community of Buddies
  • A map of local health hot spots (San Antonio only)
  • Access to our calendar of health and lifestyle events
  • Direct access to our support team via chat
  • Teleconference with Thin4Fun healthcare provider
  • Monthly prescriptions for FDA approved medication (cost not included)
  • Monthly follow-up by healthcare provider

The Wheel is a Unique Feature of Thin4Fun. It is an Entrance to T4F University and Opens Doors to Everything You Need to Know!

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