What Is The Cost Of Obesity?- Of Not Taking Action
The High Cost of Obesity (Not Being Thin) Neglected obesity is one of the main reasons the poor get poorer, and the rich get richer. Obesity takes years off your life, causes untold suffering, disease, and depression. And it takes a huge financial toll. Obesity ends when you take action (It all starts with a […]
What You Always Wanted to Know About Semaglutide (Ozempic)
Obesity is extremely dangerous: Intellectually you know that many preventable diseases are caused by obesity. These include cancer, joint disease, auto-immune diseases, hypertension, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, amputations, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s, depression, and early death. Obesity cuts 10 years off our life span and causes untold suffering. Obesity kills 500,000 Americans every year. Americans are […]
FRUCTOSE – America’s most dangerous food additive
There are 8 sugars in our diet that our body can use for nutrition and energy. These all eventually turn into glucose which is the necessary fuel for our muscles and brain. Our bodies regulate glucose levels in the blood by insulin and glucagon, so the amount will not be too high or too low. […]
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